Prosedur pembentukan kas kecil SMK BR Lembang
Kelompok 1 Smk Budi Raksa Lembang (Akuntansi)
Kelompok 1 Smk Budi Raksa Lembang (Akuntansi)
Published: 10-06-2015
Duration: 5:50
Definition: sd
View: 2412
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Comment: 2
Duration: 5:50
Definition: sd
View: 2412
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Dislike: 1
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2
Prosedur Pembentukan Kas Kecil SMK BR Lembang
Kelompok 2 Akuntansi.
Kelompok 2 Akuntansi.
Published: 10-06-2015
Duration: 3:32
Definition: sd
View: 352
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Comment: 0
Duration: 3:32
Definition: sd
View: 352
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Comment: 0
Jurnal Kas Kecil (Petty Cash)
Siswa XII AK 1, Akuntansi perusahaan dagang, SMKN 11 Bandung.
Siswa XII AK 1, Akuntansi perusahaan dagang, SMKN 11 Bandung.
Published: 02-04-2017
Duration: 12:34
Definition: sd
View: 2634
Like: 6
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Duration: 12:34
Definition: sd
View: 2634
Like: 6
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Membuat Laporan Keuangan Sederhana dg Excel
Cara Membuat Laporan Keuangan Sederhana dengan microsoft excel 2016 sangat mudah kawan. Ini lebih ke arah cash flow atau aliran kas saja ya. Transaksi kas di tangan gitu deh. Untuk buku besar,...
Cara Membuat Laporan Keuangan Sederhana dengan microsoft excel 2016 sangat mudah kawan. Ini lebih ke arah cash flow atau aliran kas saja ya. Transaksi kas di tangan gitu deh. Untuk buku besar,...
Published: 03-06-2016
Duration: 0:3
Definition: hd
View: 91135
Like: 210
Dislike: 15
Favorite: 0
Comment: 21
Duration: 0:3
Definition: hd
View: 91135
Like: 210
Dislike: 15
Favorite: 0
Comment: 21
Dalam suatu perusahaan, kas kecil mempunyai manfaat yang sangat besar dalam mendukung kelancaran operasional/kegiatan perusahaan. Disini akan kita bahas secara mudah dan sederhana, apa itu kas kecil?
Dalam suatu perusahaan, kas kecil mempunyai manfaat yang sangat besar dalam mendukung kelancaran operasional/kegiatan perusahaan. Disini akan kita bahas secara mudah dan sederhana, apa itu kas kecil?
Published: 29-08-2017
Duration: 1:12
Definition: hd
View: 337
Like: 28
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Comment: 4
Duration: 1:12
Definition: hd
View: 337
Like: 28
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 4
Published: 12-05-2017
Duration: 7:11
Definition: hd
View: 168
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Duration: 7:11
Definition: hd
View: 168
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Comment: 0
Membuat Laporan Keuangan Menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2010
Di video ini saya mencoba untuk membuat sistem laporan keuangan sederhana menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2010.
Di video ini saya mencoba untuk membuat sistem laporan keuangan sederhana menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2010.
Published: 01-03-2013
Duration: 16:43
Definition: hd
View: 473416
Like: 872
Dislike: 44
Favorite: 0
Comment: 183
Duration: 16:43
Definition: hd
View: 473416
Like: 872
Dislike: 44
Favorite: 0
Comment: 183
APLIKASI SISTEM TIKET PARKIR ( 32 BIT DAN 64 BIT ) Aplikasi ini bisa diterapkan pada pembayaran tiket untuk: Parkir, Kolam Renang, Sewa Lapangan, Wisata, Arena Bermain, dll. Versi SIM-TIKET...
APLIKASI SISTEM TIKET PARKIR ( 32 BIT DAN 64 BIT ) Aplikasi ini bisa diterapkan pada pembayaran tiket untuk: Parkir, Kolam Renang, Sewa Lapangan, Wisata, Arena Bermain, dll. Versi SIM-TIKET...
Published: 16-01-2016
Duration: 0:3
Definition: hd
View: 1009
Like: 0
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Duration: 0:3
Definition: hd
View: 1009
Like: 0
Dislike: 0
Favorite: 0
Ruby on Rails by Leila Hofer
Ruby on rails is an open source web development framework that is one of the most popular frameworks on the web. Rails has a lot to offer, but this seminar will focus on an introduction to...
Ruby on rails is an open source web development framework that is one of the most popular frameworks on the web. Rails has a lot to offer, but this seminar will focus on an introduction to...
Published: 29-06-2016
Duration: 51:51
Definition: hd
View: 124515
Like: 1478
Dislike: 91
Favorite: 0
Duration: 51:51
Definition: hd
View: 124515
Like: 1478
Dislike: 91
Favorite: 0
Diana Laufenberg: How to learn? From mistakes Diana Laufenberg shares 3 surprising things she has learned about teaching -- including a key insight about learning from mistakes. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of... Diana Laufenberg shares 3 surprising things she has learned about teaching -- including a key insight about learning from mistakes. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of...
Published: 16-12-2010
Duration: 10:39
Definition: sd
View: 212030
Like: 1620
Dislike: 83
Favorite: 0
Comment: 178
Duration: 10:39
Definition: sd
View: 212030
Like: 1620
Dislike: 83
Favorite: 0
Comment: 178
Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson
Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. The TED Talks channel features the best...
Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. The TED Talks channel features the best...
Published: 07-01-2007
Duration: 20:4
Definition: sd
View: 14315842
Like: 138884
Dislike: 2105
Favorite: 0
Comment: 9713
Duration: 20:4
Definition: sd
View: 14315842
Like: 138884
Dislike: 2105
Favorite: 0
Comment: 9713
Lessons from death row inmates | David R. Dow What happens before a murder? In looking for ways to reduce death penalty cases, David R. Dow realized that a surprising number of death row inmates had similar biographies.... What happens before a murder? In looking for ways to reduce death penalty cases, David R. Dow realized that a surprising number of death row inmates had similar biographies....
Published: 19-06-2012
Duration: 18:17
Definition: hd
View: 1855073
Like: 22937
Dislike: 749
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2301
Duration: 18:17
Definition: hd
View: 1855073
Like: 22937
Dislike: 749
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2301
97% Owned - Economic Truth documentary - Queuepolitely cut
Watch the sequel: 97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary...
Watch the sequel: 97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary...
Published: 01-05-2012
Duration: 2:10:23
Definition: hd
View: 1959539
Like: 12930
Dislike: 723
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3446
Duration: 2:10:23
Definition: hd
View: 1959539
Like: 12930
Dislike: 723
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3446
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4
Bonus Presentation here: Who owns the Federal reserve? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that...
Bonus Presentation here: Who owns the Federal reserve? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that...
Published: 16-10-2013
Duration: 29:35
Definition: hd
View: 6937517
Like: 87906
Dislike: 2792
Favorite: 0
Comment: 14196
Duration: 29:35
Definition: hd
View: 6937517
Like: 87906
Dislike: 2792
Favorite: 0
Comment: 14196
Michael Pawlyn: Using nature's genius in architecture How can architects build a new world of sustainable beauty? By learning from nature. At TEDSalon in London, Michael Pawlyn describes three habits of nature that could transform... How can architects build a new world of sustainable beauty? By learning from nature. At TEDSalon in London, Michael Pawlyn describes three habits of nature that could transform...
Published: 10-02-2011
Duration: 16:56
Definition: sd
View: 274766
Like: 4065
Dislike: 36
Favorite: 0
Comment: 245
Duration: 16:56
Definition: sd
View: 274766
Like: 4065
Dislike: 36
Favorite: 0
Comment: 245
I got 99 problems... palsy is just one | Maysoon Zayid
"I have cerebral palsy. I shake all the time," Maysoon Zayid announces at the beginning of this exhilarating, hilarious talk. (Really, it's hilarious.) "I'm like Shakira meets Muhammad Ali."...
"I have cerebral palsy. I shake all the time," Maysoon Zayid announces at the beginning of this exhilarating, hilarious talk. (Really, it's hilarious.) "I'm like Shakira meets Muhammad Ali."...
Published: 04-01-2014
Duration: 14:14
Definition: hd
View: 4644439
Like: 39794
Dislike: 612
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2322
Duration: 14:14
Definition: hd
View: 4644439
Like: 39794
Dislike: 612
Favorite: 0
Comment: 2322
Cameron Sinclair: A call for open-source architecture Accepting his 2006 TED Prize, Cameron Sinclair demonstrates how passionate designers and architects can respond to world housing crises. He unveils his TED Prize wish for... Accepting his 2006 TED Prize, Cameron Sinclair demonstrates how passionate designers and architects can respond to world housing crises. He unveils his TED Prize wish for...
Published: 17-01-2007
Duration: 24:15
Definition: sd
View: 76992
Like: 442
Dislike: 12
Favorite: 0
Comment: 26
Duration: 24:15
Definition: sd
View: 76992
Like: 442
Dislike: 12
Favorite: 0
Comment: 26
CarbLoaded: A Culture Dying to Eat (International Subtitles Version)
Subtitles Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish (more coming) Watch WITHOUT ads here:
Subtitles Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish (more coming) Watch WITHOUT ads here:
Published: 27-10-2016
Duration: 1:14:40
Definition: hd
View: 434320
Like: 6308
Dislike: 578
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1126
Duration: 1:14:40
Definition: hd
View: 434320
Like: 6308
Dislike: 578
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1126
Cloud Computing - Computer Science for Business Leaders 2016
caching, load balancing; containers, virtual machines; IAAS, PAAS, SAAS.
caching, load balancing; containers, virtual machines; IAAS, PAAS, SAAS.
Published: 29-03-2016
Duration: 1:26:1
Definition: hd
View: 66066
Favorite: 0
Comment: 17
Duration: 1:26:1
Definition: hd
View: 66066
Favorite: 0
Comment: 17
"Marching to Zion" Full Movie with subtitles
Order DVD: More info: Here is the link to make an online donation...
Order DVD: More info: Here is the link to make an online donation...
Published: 15-05-2015
Duration: 1:48:28
Definition: hd
View: 305810
Like: 3724
Dislike: 507
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3055
Duration: 1:48:28
Definition: hd
View: 305810
Like: 3724
Dislike: 507
Favorite: 0
Comment: 3055
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