OPPO R831K ( Neo 3 ) Replace eMMC / eMCP KMKJS, N Fix RAM REAL 1Gb
Step by step penggantian ic emmc / emcp OPPO Neo 3, Write Full via Medusa Pro pasang langsung ON N FIX RAM REAL 1Gb. =File tested Oppo R831K, ganti eMCP Kmkjs n Fix RAM Real 1Gb Bagi kawan-kawan...
Step by step penggantian ic emmc / emcp OPPO Neo 3, Write Full via Medusa Pro pasang langsung ON N FIX RAM REAL 1Gb. =File tested Oppo R831K, ganti eMCP Kmkjs n Fix RAM Real 1Gb Bagi kawan-kawan...
Published: 04-06-2017
Duration: 16:37
Definition: hd
View: 2614
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Comment: 6
Duration: 16:37
Definition: hd
View: 2614
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Comment: 6
100% Tested Isi Data Emmc KMKJS Oppo R831K Real Ram 1GB
Cara mengisi data emmc KMKJS untuk HP Oppo Neo 3 R831K agar mendapatkan real ram 1GB. File ini sudah tested dan sukses berkali-kali bahkan bisa juga dipasang pada Oppo R831 biasa tanpa "K"....
Cara mengisi data emmc KMKJS untuk HP Oppo Neo 3 R831K agar mendapatkan real ram 1GB. File ini sudah tested dan sukses berkali-kali bahkan bisa juga dipasang pada Oppo R831 biasa tanpa "K"....
Published: 02-04-2017
Duration: 4:39
Definition: hd
View: 12381
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Comment: 6
Duration: 4:39
Definition: hd
View: 12381
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Comment: 6
Cara Memperbaiki EMMC Oppo Neo 3 R831K Yang Bootloop Dengan UFI Box
Cara Memperbaiki EMMC Oppo Neo 3 R831K Yang Bootloop Dengan UFI box. How to FIX EMMC Oppo Neo 3 R831K That Bootloop With UFI Box. Download File Software Ufibox : http://1safe.link/UiKSk Firmware...
Cara Memperbaiki EMMC Oppo Neo 3 R831K Yang Bootloop Dengan UFI box. How to FIX EMMC Oppo Neo 3 R831K That Bootloop With UFI Box. Download File Software Ufibox : http://1safe.link/UiKSk Firmware...
Published: 19-12-2016
Duration: 24:52
Definition: hd
View: 82105
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Comment: 64
Duration: 24:52
Definition: hd
View: 82105
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Comment: 64
cara ganti eMMc oppo R831k pake KMKJS DGN MUDAH
cara ganti eMMc oppo R831k pake KMKJS DGN MUDAH by imand progkes at @pelangi_cell.
cara ganti eMMc oppo R831k pake KMKJS DGN MUDAH by imand progkes at @pelangi_cell.
Published: 11-05-2017
Duration: 2:34
Definition: hd
View: 1739
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Comment: 0
Duration: 2:34
Definition: hd
View: 1739
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Comment: 0
Published: 07-10-2016
Duration: 3:58
Definition: hd
View: 4400
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Comment: 0
Duration: 3:58
Definition: hd
View: 4400
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Comment: 0
How To Replace eMMC OPPO Mirror 3 3001 to 16GB and RAM to 2GB using UFi BOX
This is another of Easy Tutorial replacing emmc using UFiBOX OPPO Mirror 3 3001/3006 comes with SKHynix eMCP BGA 221 H9TQ65A8GTMC-URKTM (8/1) nOW we replace it using Samsung KMR820001M-B609...
This is another of Easy Tutorial replacing emmc using UFiBOX OPPO Mirror 3 3001/3006 comes with SKHynix eMCP BGA 221 H9TQ65A8GTMC-URKTM (8/1) nOW we replace it using Samsung KMR820001M-B609...
Published: 26-12-2016
Duration: 12:23
Definition: hd
View: 12636
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Comment: 26
Duration: 12:23
Definition: hd
View: 12636
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Comment: 26
Ciri Ciri Handphone Yang Rusak IC EMMC Dan Cara Mengecek EMMC Dengan Applikasi
EMMC dahulu disebut IC FLASh karena perkembangan Jaman sekarang dan fungsi yang sangat vital ic flash sangat terkenal dan sangat penting sehingga sekarang sangat populer dan banyak kasus uyang...
EMMC dahulu disebut IC FLASh karena perkembangan Jaman sekarang dan fungsi yang sangat vital ic flash sangat terkenal dan sangat penting sehingga sekarang sangat populer dan banyak kasus uyang...
Published: 07-08-2016
Duration: 10:19
Definition: hd
View: 258903
Like: 519
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Comment: 524
Duration: 10:19
Definition: hd
View: 258903
Like: 519
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Comment: 524
SERVICE HANDPHONE: Cara Mudah Memperbaiki (repair) Kerusakan IC eMMC Hp Sendiri | UFI BOX
News info bongkar rahasia ciri ciri Handphone Yang Rusak IC EMMC Dan Cara Paling Mudah nan Cepat Mengecek EMMC Dengan Aplikasi Tanpa Alat, Menentukan Metode Repair eMMC Android windows phone...
News info bongkar rahasia ciri ciri Handphone Yang Rusak IC EMMC Dan Cara Paling Mudah nan Cepat Mengecek EMMC Dengan Aplikasi Tanpa Alat, Menentukan Metode Repair eMMC Android windows phone...
Published: 06-10-2016
Duration: 8:34
Definition: sd
View: 32460
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Comment: 81
Duration: 8:34
Definition: sd
View: 32460
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Comment: 81
OPPO R831K emcp kmkjs patch cid to kmn5u no edit preloader" 1gb ram very simple
https://www.facebook.com/adis.saputra.129 jika ingin benar real 1gb silakan pact ic emmc ke micron (P1J94L) tutorial video ini kebalikan dari r1001 oppo joy jika di buat ram 1gb bisa ,tp...
https://www.facebook.com/adis.saputra.129 jika ingin benar real 1gb silakan pact ic emmc ke micron (P1J94L) tutorial video ini kebalikan dari r1001 oppo joy jika di buat ram 1gb bisa ,tp...
Published: 03-01-2017
Duration: 5:20
Definition: hd
View: 1753
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Comment: 2
Duration: 5:20
Definition: hd
View: 1753
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Comment: 2
Isi Emmc Oppo R1001 - Emmc Pakai Kmk5x langsung on + imei
Isi Emmc Oppo R1001 - Emmc Pakai Kmk5x langsung on Yang mau download tolong Subsribe nya ya gan, biar kami lebih smangat buat slalu berbagi.... link download : http://twineer.com/8K5u MBR...
Isi Emmc Oppo R1001 - Emmc Pakai Kmk5x langsung on Yang mau download tolong Subsribe nya ya gan, biar kami lebih smangat buat slalu berbagi.... link download : http://twineer.com/8K5u MBR...
Published: 08-07-2017
Duration: 10:33
Definition: hd
View: 3364
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Comment: 14
Duration: 10:33
Definition: hd
View: 3364
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Comment: 14
cara melepas ic eMMC yang di lem
ZonnaFlasher - Smartphone service centre ALAMAT : JL. a yani Supermall Lt3 Blok L03a Sukabumi - 0856 0202 1202 ADD ME ON FB http://facebook.com/zonnaflasher.sc.
ZonnaFlasher - Smartphone service centre ALAMAT : JL. a yani Supermall Lt3 Blok L03a Sukabumi - 0856 0202 1202 ADD ME ON FB http://facebook.com/zonnaflasher.sc.
Published: 12-05-2015
Duration: 5:51
Definition: hd
View: 172848
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Comment: 73
Duration: 5:51
Definition: hd
View: 172848
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Comment: 73
HOT! How to Drilling EMMC Oppo R2001, Patch CID Samsung to Hynix, Direct Scatter MTK using UFiBOX
In This Video, I'll Show you how to Drilling EMMC for safety emmc pinout in board using Mini Drill Machine, minimalizing cpu heat when using hot air rework especially for Oppo Device, R2001...
In This Video, I'll Show you how to Drilling EMMC for safety emmc pinout in board using Mini Drill Machine, minimalizing cpu heat when using hot air rework especially for Oppo Device, R2001...
Published: 14-10-2015
Duration: 10:56
Definition: hd
View: 108213
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Comment: 57
Duration: 10:56
Definition: hd
View: 108213
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Comment: 57
tutorial isi data emmc oppo r1001
sebelumnya saya mohon maaf, krna sara share video ini untuk mengisi waktu luang, dan untuk berbagi yang belum tau saja, seperti saya, masih belajar, jadi harap dimaklumi ya, nnti kalo sudah...
sebelumnya saya mohon maaf, krna sara share video ini untuk mengisi waktu luang, dan untuk berbagi yang belum tau saja, seperti saya, masih belajar, jadi harap dimaklumi ya, nnti kalo sudah...
Published: 26-06-2016
Duration: 5:42
Definition: hd
View: 20116
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Comment: 4
Duration: 5:42
Definition: hd
View: 20116
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Comment: 4
cara ganti emmc yg di lem' oppo r2001 done
Published: 06-07-2016
Duration: 16:31
Definition: hd
View: 5347
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Comment: 2
Duration: 16:31
Definition: hd
View: 5347
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Comment: 2
Pasang EMMC Oppo Joy Langsung ON
Published: 21-12-2015
Duration: 5:16
Definition: hd
View: 76417
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Comment: 37
Duration: 5:16
Definition: hd
View: 76417
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Comment: 37
Published: 22-11-2016
Duration: 1:47
Definition: hd
View: 450
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Duration: 1:47
Definition: hd
View: 450
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Comment: 0
ERROR 4032 : Enable DRAM failed! FIX 100%
rom good ? Change preloader mtk chip similar to the machine Ä'ổi preloader giá»'ng vá»›i chÃp mtk của máy fix ERROR 4032 : Enable DRAM failed! FIX 100% ------Vui lòng sao chép video...
rom good ? Change preloader mtk chip similar to the machine Ä'ổi preloader giá»'ng vá»›i chÃp mtk của máy fix ERROR 4032 : Enable DRAM failed! FIX 100% ------Vui lòng sao chép video...
Published: 13-06-2016
Duration: 1:30
Definition: hd
View: 123365
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Comment: 64
Duration: 1:30
Definition: hd
View: 123365
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Comment: 64
Pennggantian eMMC 3 Buah Ponsel OPPO Done 2 Gagal 1
OPPO R2001 Done OPPO R831K hanya done satu, yang satunya awal masuk mati total dan di tulis orang Counter tetangga eMMC semua, kami percaya saja dan dengan PeDe nya lepas ic eMMC semua. . ....
OPPO R2001 Done OPPO R831K hanya done satu, yang satunya awal masuk mati total dan di tulis orang Counter tetangga eMMC semua, kami percaya saja dan dengan PeDe nya lepas ic eMMC semua. . ....
Published: 23-02-2017
Duration: 25:43
Definition: hd
View: 923
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Comment: 3
Duration: 25:43
Definition: hd
View: 923
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Comment: 3
Mencari kode dan persamaan komponen handphone SAMSUNG
Video tutorial cara mencari nilai atau seri komponen handphone SAMSUNG dan juga bisa digunakan untuk mencari persamaan komponen tersebut di tipe handphone SAMSUNG lainnya.
Video tutorial cara mencari nilai atau seri komponen handphone SAMSUNG dan juga bisa digunakan untuk mencari persamaan komponen tersebut di tipe handphone SAMSUNG lainnya.
Published: 18-02-2015
Duration: 6:38
Definition: hd
View: 2494
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Comment: 7
Duration: 6:38
Definition: hd
View: 2494
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Comment: 7
Oppo R831K no Light Solutions
Cara Perbaiki OPPO R831K lampu LCD tidak nyala, putus jalur habis kena air, putus jalaur ya bukan putus cinta. untuk solusi lainnya silahkan kunjungi: https://www.desbie.com Sosial Media Desbie...
Cara Perbaiki OPPO R831K lampu LCD tidak nyala, putus jalur habis kena air, putus jalaur ya bukan putus cinta. untuk solusi lainnya silahkan kunjungi: https://www.desbie.com Sosial Media Desbie...
Published: 07-01-2017
Duration: 4:31
Definition: hd
View: 11260
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Comment: 12
Duration: 4:31
Definition: hd
View: 11260
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Comment: 12
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